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At Siebens Patient Care Communications, we know that having reached this page of our website you are the kind of person who wants to be more expert in helping your members or patients in thoughtful, personalized, and efficient ways. To achieve this type of high-quality care, you need a person/patient-centered organizing framework. The problem is health care gets complicated (and fragmented) fast since patients may have multiple interacting problems requiring multiple providers. This can make you feel overwhelmed and even discouraged. 

We believe providing health care does not have to be like this. We understand the problem as we have been there. That is why Dr. Siebens, with many of her colleagues, has persisted in researching over the last 25 years, and disseminating over the last 10 years, the Siebens Domain Management Model. This 4-domain user-friendly Organizing Framework efficiently personalizes care and guides the entire team towards meaningful outcomes. 

Here is how it works:

Step 1: Give us a call.

Share your clinical challenge to brainstorm if the Siebens Domain Management Model could help. This saves you time and gets you quick expert clinical/quality improvement feedback.

Step 2: Talk with your team.

Team is key. Share what you’ve learned and get feedback. See if the idea inspires them.

Step 3: Plan to proceed.

In a second telephone call with Dr. Siebens (with team members even), sketch out a plan for your pilot project. This saves time and creates positive energy for change.

In this 2 ½ minute video Dr. Siebens briefly explains the user-friendly 4-domain model, bringing clarity to health care communication and personalizing care towards meaningful outcomes.



Share your challenges and brainstorm how the Siebens Domain Management Model, as an Organizing Framework, may address your specific care delivery problem(s). 

Discuss how you are supporting individuals’ self-management. Would an organized 3-ringed binder self-care tool help? Multiple patients in research studies have endorsed this option.    


Dr. Siebens has successfully oriented individuals, leadership groups, and large clinician teams to using the SDMM organizing framework. Methods include blended-learning techniques with virtual video and live discussions and in person interactive workshops. Orientations to the Notebook have used similar approaches for groups like women’s clubs, seniors attending wellness classes, and health care personnel.


Pricing for services varies based on clients’ interests, needs, and project scope.

Ready to get started?