SDMM Testimonials, continued...

“Using the SDMM has really helped me. When used in my documentation, it highlights all of the patient’s issues – medical as well as rehab (cognitive, functional, social, etc). This system allows me to focus more on integrating the key aspects of patient care. And using the framework doesn’t take longer once I had learned it. Also, others in rehab hospital administration like the format as well. They say it shows the need for the hospital stay.”

Kevin Lawrence, MD, Physiatrist, Private Practice, Rancho Cucamonga, CA

"I have read your proposal for organizing patient care through the Domain Management Model with great interest. It is excellent… I think so highly of this program that I would recommend it not only for rehabilitation and geriatric patients, but also for all patients to help them better evaluate their own lives and their progress. If there is anything I can do to promote this proposal personally or professionally, I will be happy to do so."

Rabbi Levi Meier, PhD, Jewish Chaplain, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA

"After learning to use this model, I’d never go back to the old way."


"This is great. All these areas influence my surgical decision."

Oncology surgeon

"It flows very nicely."

Oncologist (about information on his patient, organized by domains)

"This may take another few minutes for my rehabilitation admission notes, but it is well worth it."

Rehabilitation faculty physician

This model really helps me justify who needs inpatient rehabilitation and who doesn’t.

Physiatrist (rehabilitation doctor)

This organizes the team conferences which otherwise are free-for-alls.

Nursing home-based nurse-practitioner

Your team conferences (organized by domains) are the best conferences I’ve ever seen.

Rehabilitation unit nurse-manager

It would be really helpful if we got basic information arranged by your domains.

Prosthetist and Orthotist

This is wonderful. It’s so simple.   

Community-based case manager


Read our Notebook
Testimonials to learn more